Welcome to the official website of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, East-Central U.S. Field.
The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement is a worldwide church organization of believers in the soon coming of Christ. We operate in many countries around the world, and our world General Conference headquarters is located in Roanoke, Virginia. We believe in the Bible—God’s written word to all humanity—declaring the imminent return of Christ in glory and we are seeking to prepare the entire world for that great event. Read:(Revelation 14:6-12; 18:1-4)
For further information about the organisation as a whole you can find it at our General Conference web site: www.sdarm.org.
A summary of the fifteenth day's activities during the 24th GC Delegation Session being held in Barbosa, Colombia.
A summary of the fourteenth day's activities during the 24th GC Delegation Session being held in Barbosa, Colombia.
A summary of the thirteenth day's activities during the 24th GC Delegation Session being held in Barbosa, Colombia.
A summary of the twelfth day's activities during the 24th GC Delegation Session being held in Barbosa, Colombia.
A summary of the eleventh day's activities during the 24th GC Delegation Session being held in Barbosa, Colombia.
A summary of the tenth day's activities during the 24th GC Delegation Session being held in Barbosa, Colombia.